New Cancer Therapies - The Patient's Dilemma

If you want to read about the exploits of Bill O'Neill of the CCRG and other cancer quacks around the world, then you need to read one of Penny Williams' books.

Penelope Williams' book is her latest revelation about alternatives cancer therapy. It is now called simply "New Cancer Therapies - The Patient's Dilemma" .

The new book, as far as we know, is the third different title used by the publisher here and in the U.S. If you want to read about some really weird happenings in the world of cancer treatment, and you don't mind reading a chapter about Bill O'Neill, then by all means buy one of her books.

New Cancer Therapies.

The first Williams alternative cancer edition was published in Canada by Key Porter Books and was called "Alternatives in Cancer Therapy - The Case for Choice" back in 2000. Bill O'Neill was featured in that book. It was then basically retitled as "Toxic Treatment - Surviving the Cancer Wars". As far as we know this basic book has been published and republished at least three times to fit the market.

Penelope Williams book about alternative cancer treatment

This is the cover of the older book. It is now out of print. But I am sure that you may find it in a used bookstore in Canada.

Penelope Williams book about alternative cancer treatment

Penelope Williams
Key Porter Books
ISBN - 1552631133

Amazon Quackery Books

Excerpts from Chapter Eight

This chapter of Penelope William's book about alternative cancer treatment focuses on the struggle of one family and the demons lurking behind the father of a young boy who was stricken with a brain tumor. He survives today, and his father is suing the hospital and the doctors who treated him.

Bill O'Neill is in a very unique position. Angry at the world and at the entire medical oncology establishment, he wants to remake the world. So, he founded what he calls the CCRG (Canadian Cancer Research Group), in 1993. He probably chose those initials quite on purpose. There are several other established cancer treatment centers around the world that use those same intitials.

William's tells the story of Liam, Bill O'Neill's son, and the family's struggle with the medical establishment. It paints a picture of Bill as an unhappy camper. So, here is a short exerpt of the conclusion. You can tell from her closing remarks that something worries her, and some of us as well.

Most oncologists are wary of Bill O'Neill and his group, labeling him Dr. Hype. But patients who are on some of the treatments provided by the CCRG call him Dr. Hope. He's not a doctor, although one oncologist flatly refuses to believe this, asking him to consult on some cancer cases. His medical team now includes GPs, pharmacologists, and biochemists. No oncologists, though, because (he grins slyly), "Most oncologists are not qualified to treat cancer."

"It's like this," he says.

Artificially built constructs prop up conventional cancer care, and they are perpetuated by media and medicine that have this institutionalized myopia.
It's like, we can't look at anything outside our box, outside of our training. The plain and simple facts of the matter is that [oncologists] don't have one clue, because if they did, they would be doing it [successfully treating cancer], but they don't have a clue....
When you take on the vested interests you are called controversial. How can I be called controversial --- because I help people? No it's because I'm challenging the status quo.

He believes that there is a renaissance happening, brought on by a growing resistance to a society that is being destroyed by powerful, manipulative forces:

We have been blindsided by industry and medicine since World War II: we are being sold things that don't work, or that hurt us; the environment is totally fucked; the incidence of cancer is rising; but people now want to make sense of things, to determine if something is based on good sense, in science, in medicine, in industry, or whatever. Do chemo and radiotherapy make sense? Absolutely not. Cancer is not the bald-headed kid. That's the treatment. Cancer is such a horrible disease. Well, no. We have a bunch of incompetent systems run by incompetent myopic people who have completely fabricated a sociological and clinical standard, not on the basis of the disease and our ability to manage it, but simply on our failure and willingness to consider any different pardigms in medicine and thought.

Bill does not choose words carefully. His son's experience has effectively deleted any diplomacy; he is a very angry man, and is content to antagonize the medical establishment he believes nearly killed his boy.

You will have to read this book to get a flavor of what Bill has gone through to bring him to this point. If anyone cares to see some of Bill's posts on the internet in regards to his opinion of the medical establishment, we have a fine collection.

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